Pram Lyrics
Dark Island
All lyrics by Rosie Cuckston
Penny Arcade
There's a place that we all know
It's the world where dreamers go
And whether it's filled with colours or it's black and white,
People go to visit if it's day or night
A private life the dreamer leads
No guidebook to the world of dreams
And whether it's filled with horrors ot it's warm and bright
People go to visit if it's day or night
The Pawnbroker
As winter bleached the colour from the sun you left the in-laws
And went to buy the things that I'd put in the pawnshop window
You took them home, locked them away
My heart and soul, like china in display
I realised my mistakes and hurried to the pawnshop window
But where my things had been there was nothing but a shadow,
And I became yours as you held the key
My heart and soul no longer belong to me
So now I wash the blood out of the uniforms you wear,
And stitch an mend your life up wherever there's a tear
I repay the debt and one day you'll owe me,
And on a night you'll regret, you will hand over the key
Paper Hats
When the strangest fictions turn out to be the truth
It's the so-called storyteller has the burden of the proof
Every year she throws a party for the man she says had
Took her mind away
They both wear paper hats and there's a jelly shaped like a rabbit
On a plate
I would not risk killing love
My words would leave a trail of blood
She looks for one reason for why she's acting strange
And she blames the seasons for her behaviour change
Tell the one you love the things they want to hear though you might betray yourself,
And keep faith with the family, the scientists, the chemicals
On your bathroom shelf
The Archivist
As the clocks so solemnly declare it
Nail each single hour down without malice
Nothing lasts long, nothing stays in place
You find you can't recall things as you wanted
And no photographs can hold the image
Nothing lasts long, nothing stays in place
Imperfect archivist you're only human
Though you wish to savour all that you can
You won't live as long as you think you will
You'll find yourself betrayed by your own body
As what you know to be yourself is murdered
By time's progress through each single cell
Hold on to the chances you took,
You can only make it if you
Don't let minutes and seconds past you,
Don't let time's perspective throw you
Nail each moment down so that it matches your heartbeat
Only the night can touch me and I'll feel it anymore
Only the night can kiss me and I'll feel it anymore
When the night whispers to me, I long for the day
When daylight bleaches my dreams I long for the night
No-one teaches you how to say goodbye
You could react to it as calmly as you would
Watch an aeroplane crossing the blue summer sky
No-one teaches you how to say goodbye
In my dreams the grave robbers fill their pockets up with goods
Credit cards, the dead men's numbers, and their watches their lost time
When the night whispers to me, I long for the day
When daylight bleaches my dreams I long for the night
Distant Islands
I hesitate to say what I mean as my mind is full of doubt
I hesitate to say what I mean as I might leave something out
Words make remote objects of us,
Distant islands in an ocean of sound
Words can make strangers of lovers,
disconnected by meaning they've found,
One word can turn your world upside down
Silences can act like a wall make the space round me empty
But silence can sometimes say more
about what things mean to me